The Public Eye

A comedy in one act written by Peter Shaffer

Charles, a suspicious husband, has hired a private detective, Julian, to spy on his wife, Belinda. An unlikely relationship develops between the spy and the spied-upon. A confrontation between Julian and Charles leads to a surprise conclusion.

Cupid's Arrow

Kathy is looking for the man of her dreams, but 'the course of true love', famously, 'never did run smoothly.'

Get ready to meet some true eccentrics in this farcical collision of love and adventure as Woodhouse present this original one-act play. 

Congratulations to Dan Usztan who, at the the Waltham Forest Drama Festival, stepped in at the last minute to play Odo for which he won the "Guy Gostling award for the best supporting performer"

Also to be noted was the fact that Joanna Watson was in the nominations for the "Best performance by an actress" award.

The Last Of The Magicians

"What's the difference between a genius and a madman?"

"In the eighteenth century and since, Newton came to be thought of as the first and greatest of the modern age of scientists, a rationalist, ... I do not see him in this light. .... Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians." John Maynard Keyne

Congratulations to Stephen Balchin for not only his role as the Secretary of the Royal Society and the fact he directed the play, but as the writer for winning the "Best Original Script" award at the Waltham Forest Drama Festival this year. See the final picture below for Stephen with his award.

Also to be noted was the fact that Alex Rydewas in the nominations for the "Best supporting performer" award, and Phil Braithwaite was in the nominations for the "Best performance by an Actor" award. 

Following this production's award winning performance at the Walthamstow Theatre Festival in March, we also performed at round two of the All England Theatre Festival- the divisional finals - on Saturday 5th May at Leigh-on-sea in Essex.