1. Pied Piper.png

The Truth at last!!

In a drastic change to the normal pantomime tradition of completely making up a daft fairy story and adding a few songs and gags, the Woodhouse Players have decided that their annual Christmas and New Year festive pantomime this year will be a complete and utterly true story. Thus this year's comedy pantomime is an exact and total replication of the complete and utterly true events that it is reckoned took place in the town of Hameln in the year 1284. And if it isn't I invite anyone who was in Hameln in the year 1284 to sue me. Go right ahead.

This year’s annual Christmas and New Year Panto will also celebrate the twentieth anniversary of The Woodhouse Players who have been presenting shows in Leytonstone and Waltham Forest as a local community drama group for errr... well, twenty years.