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2019 AGM

It's that time of year again where we get together to catch up as a group on: what we have achieved over the year; discuss what we want to do next year; and vote in the next committee. 

If you wish to stand for the committee please get another person to propose you and send this to the secretary 48 hours before the AGM. If you have any queries regarding standing for the committee please look at committee page or contact one of the committee members, who will be happy to answer any questions.

Further information on the AGM is on our AGM page.

Currently standing for the 2019-20 committee are:

Chair:Ian Powell, seconded by Cathy Love
Secretary:Julie Rickwood, seconded by Jackie Withnall
Treasurer:Cathy Love, seconded by Anna Treadway
Ordinary member:Jackie Withnall, seconded by Oliver Clement
Ordinary member:Stephen Wess, seconded by Steve Cahill-Hayes
Ordinary member:Stephen Cahill-Hayes, seconded by Julie Rickwood
Ordinary member:Gill Taylor, seconded by Julie Rickwood
Ordinary member:Oliver Judge, seconded by Jackie Withnall

April 23

Play Reading Pubnight - An Enemy Of The People

May 25

Directors' Workhop